Good morning skiers! As of 8 AM the temperature is 33F with a low of 31 and yesterday’s high was 39.
We had significant rain yesterday that was a little hard on things, especially the meadow loops. No grooming today in the meadow loops while the water perks out. It did set up a little, if you want to ski it, wait for it to soften a bit. Colder temps and more snow are in the forecast . . .
Grooming on the north trails between Stonewater and Clear Creak lodge is complete for skate. Classic tracks were left from yesterday.
Rowdy Coyote, the Mill Hill Complex and the BCT between Mtn. Springs and Stonewater remain closed.
PARKING LOT UPDATE - BEAVER CREEK TRAIL HEAD CLOSED - Due to yesterdays rain and soft conditions we have closed the Beaver Creek Trail Head parking again.
PARKING LOT UPDATE - MEADOW LOOP TRAIL HEAD - The lot is open but remains soft in the middle. Avoid the middle by looping around either end and parking against the snow bank on the north edge.
Head up to to the Clear Creek Trail head for the best parking and ski conditions!
Today's grooming by Caleb
Happy Skiing!
Rob Dilling