The Beaver Creek Trailhead Parking Lot is closed for the season, please use the Osprey Lodge Trailhead to access the northern trails or the Meadow Loop Trailhead.
This is rough weather for keeping ski trails as the warm days are trying to melt all of our snow. Last night it did get down to the low 20's which will help a little bit, but it will also make parts of the trails and parking lots icy this morning. Temps are expected to get back up to the high 40's today, so the patterns will continue. Good skiing can still be found out there, especially up north in the open areas around Stonewater, Swamp Creek Loop and Osprey Lodge, but spots under the trees are getting a little dirty and icy in the tree wells.
Ginzu's were out grooming last night on the skate lanes of the Meadow Loop, Sprint Loop and the Beaver Creek Trails out to the shortened turnaround just before Mountain Springs Lodge. There are some melt outs in the upper parts of the Meadow Loop and some dirt/grass showing in other parts. Also be aware of the parts that are saturated with water making the large frozen sections. The Walk in Trailhead has a slight detour into the Sprint Loop area because of a melt out and it is getting very narrow at the far entrance. We are still trying to make it to the weekend, but will reassess each day.
Skate was set on all of the open northern trails including the BCT from Stonewater Loop to the Clear Creek Turnaround, (which also got one new classic from the Beaver Creek Trailhead south to and including Stonewater Loop), Swamp Creek Loop, the north side of Grizzly Mtn. (which is a 2 way trail now) and the Clear Creek Loop. Open areas are looking the best and be aware of some thin icy spots under the trees getting to those open areas. Driveway crossings are also getting thin.
Closures include the entire Mill Hill complex, the section just before Mountain Springs Lodge to Stonewater Loop and the southern section of Grizzly Mountain, which all have melt out sections and signs posted.
Use caution in the 2 open parking lots, they could be icy in the morning and micro spikes are recommended. As the temperatures rise, be aware that they will start to get slushy/muddy, so use caution if in a low clearance 2wd vehicle.