Good morning skiers! We have groomed early yesterday evening and let the trails set up overnight. It's going to be a great morning of skiing, skate or classic. Fresh skate and classic for the trails south of Hot Tub Hill including Sprint Loop, set with the PB100 Snowcat. We have farmed some snow to the Hitching Post area so the melt out spot is now covered. Expect it to be a bit rough through that section. North of the Hitching Post you will find both great skate grooming and a mix on the classic with some sections of classic track washed out, but with most in good shape. Grizzly has fresh skate (one thin section on the climb), and the balance of the BCT has fresh skate set with the Ginzu Groomer. TODAY is a great morning to get out and ski with firm conditions. Today's picture is on the BCT near Stonewater Ranch.
CLOSED PARKING/TRAILHEAD AT BEAVER CREEK TRAILHEAD: Due to excessively muddy and soft conditions at this parking lot we have closed it for now. This lot is just north of Stonewater Ranch. Use Clear Creek Trailhead at Thousand Trails as an alternate parking lot.
PVST Trail passes are required and can be purchased at Plain Hardware or online at www.SkiPlain.com. Please have your pass showing while you are on the trails. Keep your phone handy to show your e-ticket if you purchased online.
Grooming by myself and Jason last night.
Have fun out there! With this warm winter you should ski everyday you can right now! It won't last forever.
Rob Whitten
Trails Manager